Derrick Rose Mural Not Meant to Offend


Despite his questionable performance in his most recent press conference, Derrick Rose still has fans that will go to great lengths to show their support for one of Chicago’s most talented athletes.

Chicago artists David Beltran and Brendan Carroll created a touching mural commemorating the injury-ridden career of Rose. The artwork features candles, roses, a pair of crutches and a caricature drawn of Rose on a concrete wall displaying the words “Pray-4-Rose.” Rose is depicted wearing a crown of thorns. A basketball sits at the front of the display adorned with the words “Get Better D-Rose”. In addition, the display features a picture of Rose clutching his knee following the ACL injury that he sustained in 2012. The artwork is displayed in an underpass on Fullerton avenue in Chicago near the Kennedy Expressway.

Here is a street-side view of the same display.

According to the Chicago Tribune, a user on Reddit was the first to post a photo of the shrine on Sunday. Since that time, the picture has made its rounds on social media attracting the attention of many major news outlets including ESPN and the New York Daily News.

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The tribute has sparked outrage from a select number of individuals due to its resemblance to memorials that would be displayed upon a person’s death. Some people find the tribute distasteful because Rose is injured, not dead or dying. The crown of thorns, which could be an attempt to display Rose as a Christ-like martyr, has also been the subject of controversy.

David Beltran, one of the masterminds behind the creation of the display, went on ESPN 1000 to explain the symbolism behind the vigil as well as its purpose.

"“For us it was a lighthearted tribute. We really didn’t think about it as far as offending anyone; as far as legalities go, [it’s] freedom of speech. It’s a big deal. It’s the third injury, it’s a big deal for our city. I had really thought this was our year and I think everyone could agree on that.”"

Perhaps even more importantly, Rose was touched when he was told by reporters that fans cared enough to dedicate a vigil to him.

"“I know I’ve got people out there that really love me and really care about me as a person.”"

The vigil clearly wasn’t created with any malicious intent by these two artists. The artists didn’t intend to convey the impression that memorializing chronic knee issues is of the same importance as remembering the dead or honoring the dying. Although religious symbols were used, they weren’t used to poke fun at or downplay the importance of Christianity.

The mural was constructed to remind people around the city to keep Derrick Rose in their prayers. He is currently going through a very tough time right now with his continued knee injuries and needs to draw strength from the prayers of his peers in order to press on.

If you take away the money, fame and power, Rose is just like the rest of us. He is a man working as hard as he can to accomplish a goal. The constant injuries have devastated his career and impacted his life in ways that far transcend his on-court performance. The mural serves as a reminder of the unfinished business that he needs to get done. He is a man with a dream. If two Chicago artists can remind people to support Rose through perhaps the toughest time of his life, then it has served its purpose. The mural wasn’t created to offend. Rather it was created to show that fans all over the city have faith that Rose can make a full recovery and accomplish the dream that he has been striving towards his entire career.

There is nothing wrong with a group of well-wishers creating a touching display to a player that has been cursed with atrociously horrible luck over the last four seasons.

UPDATE: The Derrick Rose mural has been vandalized. For the full story, please read Ernie Padaon’s article. 

In response to the vandalism, the two artists have created a Facebook event in which people are encouraged to get together and help restore the vigil. As follows is the description of the event on Facebook.

"As most of you know, [we] have created an art installment/Vigil for Derrick Rose to come back for the playoffs. However some disrespectful people/possible pistons fans have destroyed it. We can restore it though! We need you to come with bulls memorabilia, Derrick rose get well cards, Roses and flowers, Candles and just general good vibes. Lets keep it up through out the playoff run and lets get the gold back in Chicago!"

The event occurred on March 10, 2015 at 5:00 PM at the location of the vigil.

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