Bulls rumors: 3 Trade possibilities to land "hometown" draft prospect

NBA G League Fall Invitational - Perth Wildcats v G League Ignite
NBA G League Fall Invitational - Perth Wildcats v G League Ignite / Ethan Miller/GettyImages
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Chicago Bulls trade Zach LaVine and the 11th pick to the Detroit Pistons for the 5th pick 

It’s unlikely that Buzelis falls past the Pistons, so if the Bulls really want to trade up to get him, Detroit and San Antonio are the likely teams they’d have to deal with. 

The Pistons were rumored to be after LaVine but balked at the price at the trade deadline. What if they could get him just by moving back six spots in the draft? 

This would kill two birds with one stone for the Bulls, who get off of LaVine’s debilitating contract and get to move up in the draft. 

The big question is why the Pistons would give up this much for LaVine given that his market has been less than robust and recent rumors suggest the Bulls may have to pay just to get rid of him. 

In other words, this may not be enough even though LaVine is very good when healthy, showing just how awful his contract truly is. 

Detroit wants to make a splash but still add a young player. This trade would allow them to do both by getting a high-end shotmaker to put around Cade Cunningham while still leaving them with the 11th pick, which they could use to take a guy like Knecht or more of a project like Cody Williams or Ron Holland. 

Would moving up just six spots be enough to justify giving away LaVine?