Ranking the 13 Worst Bulls starters of the Derrick Rose era

Derrick Rose, Keith Bogans, Carlos Boozer, Joakim Noah, Chicago Bulls (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
Derrick Rose, Keith Bogans, Carlos Boozer, Joakim Noah, Chicago Bulls (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) /
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Tyrus Thomas, Chicago Bulls, Worst starters during the Derrick Rose era
Tyrus Thomas, Chicago Bulls (Photo by Nick Laham/Getty Images) /

6. Tyrus Thomas (2008-2009)

Now now, put your pitchforks away. I’m well aware that Tyrus Thomas is a name that evokes the rage of a great many Bulls fans, as the decision to acquire the big man is one that arguably set the franchise back years and potentially destroyed any chance of contending. That’s because the Bulls’ front office infamously traded the rights to second-overall pick LaMarcus Aldridge in exchange for the fourth-overall Thomas.

I’m not here to judge Thomas on the decisions made by the front office, I’m here to judge Thomas on how he performed for the Bulls. And for that reason, you can get your pitchforks back out, because Tyrus was horrendous. In his third NBA season, Tyrus showed zero signs of development or progression, and was still only averaging 10.8 points and 6.4 rebounds per game in 2008-09. That’s why when Thomas was traded away for nothing more than a future first-round pick and salary filler, I don’t think any Bulls fans lost sleep over the call.

One a raw prospect and the other a veteran with little left to give, the Bulls needed more from Tyrus Thomas and Mike Dunleavy.

5. Mike Dunleavy (2015-16)

Once upon a time, Mike Dunleavy was a rather solid starter for the Chicago Bulls. Averaging 10.5 points while shooting 39.2% from deep and playing stiff defense, Dunleavy proved to be a perfect complementary starter in his first two seasons in Chicago.

Things went downhill fast in his third (and final) season with the Bulls, however, as Dunleavy’s scoring production dipped to 7.2 points and he posted a negative net rating for the first time since 2009. At 35 years old, Dunleavy was no longer the capable perimeter defender and hardnosed enforcer he once was, as he posted a DBPM so bad it’s hard to believe at -3.5.

Instead, he’s now just known as the man who feuded with a young Giannis Antetokounmpo.