Chicago Bulls: 3 current players MJ would love to be teammates with

Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls speaks to repoters 09 June during a press conference at the United Center in Chicago, IL. The Bulls beat the Utah Jazz in game three of the NBA Finals 07 June 96-54 to take a 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven series. They will play game four 10 June. AFP PHOTO/Dan LIPPITT (Photo by Daniel LIPPITT / AFP) (Photo by DANIEL LIPPITT/AFP via Getty Images)
Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls speaks to repoters 09 June during a press conference at the United Center in Chicago, IL. The Bulls beat the Utah Jazz in game three of the NBA Finals 07 June 96-54 to take a 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven series. They will play game four 10 June. AFP PHOTO/Dan LIPPITT (Photo by Daniel LIPPITT / AFP) (Photo by DANIEL LIPPITT/AFP via Getty Images) /
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Zach LaVine, Chicago Bulls
Zach LaVine, Chicago Bulls (Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images) /

Current Chicago Bulls players Michael Jordan would love as a teammate: Zach LaVine

A player that has not made it to the postseason yet in his seven-year long NBA career to date is also one that Jordan would likely love to play with. That is as long as the Bulls 26-year-old star 6-foot-6 200 pound shooting guard Zach LaVine would be willing to increase his effort on the defensive end of the floor.

But that mentality that LaVine is putting to action in his game to improve no matter what and put it on the line to win-now with the Bulls is something that Jordan would respect. The only thing for LaVine at this point of his career, when he should now be entering his prime years, is to finally get over that postseason hump.

LaVine might finally have the pieces getting put into place around him to make that elusive postseason run he’s craved since his days with the Minnesota Timberwolves. He has a true star running mate in the former Orlando Magic two-time All-Star center Nikola Vucevic, and a potential budding stud in rookie forward Patrick Williams.

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The raw athleticism and star-studded tools that LaVine brings to the table on the offensive end of the floor helped to lead to him getting that sought-after first-career All-Star nod this year. If LaVine can finally get over that postseason hump, then he can bring some of the playoff joy to the Windy City that was not seen since the days of stars leading the way like Derrick Rose in the 2000s and 2010s, and Jordan in the 1990s.