Chicago Bulls: 3 things you need to know about Coby White

Chicago Bulls (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
Chicago Bulls (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) /
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Chicago Bulls
(Photo by Steve Freeman/NBAE via Getty Images) /

Man of faith

It is no secret that White is a man of faith.

Faith has long been part of White’s upbringing. He was a member of the Federation of Christian Athletes in High School.

While White’s dream of playing in the NBA is being realized in Summer League, life hasn’t always been easy for him.

Like many, White has relied on his faith to get himself through trying times.

White recently penned a personal essay for The Players Tribune where he discusses the role his faith in God played in how he dealt with his father’s passing. In the essay, White speaks on how easy it is to lose faith at times.

"“I wasn’t angry at the cancer, or my dad, or even about knowing that I was going to lose him soon. I was mad at … God,” he said."

In the essay, White admits that he struggled all year long with the death of his father while attending the University of North Carolina.

"“I tried not to let it affect those around me, but my teammates and friends … they could tell that sometimes I wasn’t myself,” he said. “It’d be like, ‘Oh, I see Coby’s not talking today,’ or ‘Coby’s in one of his moods right now.’ But all the while, I was just totally messed up on the inside thinking about my dad. And missing him.”"

Still, White tried to keep his faith alive in both good and bad times thanks, in part, to his family.

Christianity is often viewed as having a perception problem when it comes to attracting and retaining believers who are men.

As such, knowing that White is open to speaking on his faith is refreshing to see.