Chicago Bulls: Let the tank begin with the 2017-18 season preview
The best Bulls follows on social media
Who to follow on the Bulls beat
- The Chicago Bulls themselves (@chicagobulls)
- K.C. Johnson (Chicago Tribune, @KCJHoop)
- Nick Friedell (ESPN Chicago, @NickFriedell)
- Vincent Goodwill (NBC Sports Chicago, @vgoodwill)
- Mike McGraw (Daily Herald, @McGrawDHBulls)
- Cody Westerlund (CBS Chicago, @CodyWesterlund)
- Sean Highkin (formerly of The Athletic Chicago, @highkin)
Great Bulls follows
- Your Friendly Bulls Blogger (@BullsBlogger)
- Ricky O’Donnell (@SBN_Ricky)
- Jason Patt (@Bulls_Jay)
- Stephen Noh (@StephNoh)
- Will Gottlieb (@wontgottlieb)
- Jon Greenberg (@jon_greenberg)
- Kelly Scaletta (@KellyScaletta)
- Kevin Anderson (@CSNKevin)
- Mark Schanowski (@MarkSchanowski)
- Mark Karantzoulis (@mkarantzoulis)
- Matt Peck (@Bulls_Peck)
- Jordan Maly (@JordanCMaly)
- Gustavo Vega (@iamvega1982)
- Morten Stig Jensen (@msjnba)
Sites to follow
- SB Nation’s Blog a Bull (@BullsBlogger)
- FanRag NBA (@FanRagNBA)
- FanSided’s The Step Back (@The_Step_Back)
- FanSided’s The Nylon Calculus (@NylonCalculus)
- FanSided’s Hoops Habit (@HoopsHabit)
- Us, of course (@BullsBeatBlog)
- HoopsHype (@hoopshype)
- RealGM (@RealGM)
- What’s The Cap
Our staff
- Michael Whitlow (@couldbelikemike)
- Alex Kirschenbaum (@kirschhoops)
- Matthew Price (@Ecript99)
- Malik Fourte (@KilamRewind)
- Dru Berry (@druberry_)
- Patrick Sheetz (@bull_sheetz)
- Bryce Fields (@B_Freaky13)
- Nicholas Niendorf (@niendorf21)
- Evan Gilbert (@egilb940)
- Matt Bessetti
- Luke Bendel
- Benny Halpin
- Idrees Muhammad Kudaimi
- Jonathan Kinger
- Robert Todd
- Luke Askew
- Matt Ostrowski
- Craig Brallier (@CmBrallier03)