After the Chicago Bulls announced that the 2017-18 regular season tickets go on sale this coming Friday, Bulls fans took to Twitter and some took to sharing their own thoughts about the upcoming season.
The Chicago Bulls officially announced that the home regular season tickets would go on sale this coming Friday, Sept. 22.
Apparently, not everyone is exactly excited for the Bulls to come back next month. At least when you take a glance at Twitter and see how many fans reacted to the tweet announcing the ticket sale.
Here’s the original tweet from the Bulls about the ticket sale.
#BullsNation, tickets go on sale this Friday, September 22 at 11am! For more information visit
— Chicago Bulls (@chicagobulls) September 21, 2017
And, here’s how some fans reacted to the announcement. Get excited, Bulls fans.
OK, this is actually a good idea, Bulls. I would totally take a few hundred dollars and some free chicken and fries to watch some basketball. Can it be a fun game, too? Maybe like a Philadelphia 76ers game with a healthy starting five for Sixers?
I'm a legit NBA fan and I have no idea who these two people in this picture are
— Mark Larson (@MrLarsonLHS) September 21, 2017
You’re a legit fan and you don’t know who Paul Zipser and Cristiano Felicio are? Shame on you, Mark.
Ticket sales pitch features pic of Felicio and Zipser... SMH
— Johnny Holiday (@JohnnyBootleg89) September 21, 2017
Johnny’s got a point here. What about Bulls legend Dwyane Wade or even Antonio Blakeney?
— Mr. Jeffries (@IamMrJeffries) September 21, 2017
John didn’t even need any words to show his disgust. That’s impressive.
they should give tickets away this season..........
— Brian Farrow (@ECGCoachFarrow) September 21, 2017
Brian might be on to something here, guys.
Can i get tickets for the Minnesota timberwolves there
— marty (@Temar21991Marty) September 21, 2017
Technically, the Minnesota Timberwolves are the Minnesota TimberBulls these days, so it’s a legitimate question.
I hope all the money you make selling those tickets is used to buy a new front office #firegar #firepaxon #firehoiberg
— Pancho Villa (@pedr0_jr) September 21, 2017
It’s PaxSon, Pedro … but you’re not the only one that shares these sediments, my friend.
— Slim Pickens (@slimpickens5297) September 21, 2017
You could say that there’s … silm pickens … for those that actually want to Bulls tickets.
Boom. Nailed it.
Chris is asking the real questions around here and he’s a good person for that.
— Kevin Hale (@HOOSIERHALE) September 21, 2017
Your thoughts, Kevin? Kevin? Ke–we lost Kevin, guys. He’s out.
— Bluewave (@FBluewave) September 21, 2017
I love a good Donald Duck GIF because Donald rules, so this is a good reply.
— Ron Swanson’s Mustache (@swanny31176) September 21, 2017
Eric’s not on board this season.
Is Ron asking if this franchise is a joke or … ? I think he was trying to say that the Bulls are, but it looked like a question. I’m sure a lot of people would agree with his thoughts … or question.
Nobody cares we’re horrible
— israel serrano (@IZZYAEW4LIFE) September 21, 2017
Israel’s just keeping things real for everyone.