Center Grades
How do we make this one interesting? Oh, maybe a fight and flying through the air and smacking on your tailbone. Stay weird, centers.
Robin Lopez – Grade: B-
As much as I think a RoLo freakout is amazing, it still hurt the team, hence the “minus” on his grade. He lost his mind and tried to end Ibaka, who returned the favor, after taking exception to some cheap behavior from Ibaka. I wouldn’t have liked it either, but I might not have cocked back and taken a swing at the man. Or I might have. When he’s staying on the floor, he’s actually been a big contributor. Even in the Raptors game, he put up 12 points and three blocks before exiting the game. It’s been good to have Lopez around, however long it lasts.
Cristiano Felicio – Grade: C-
Felicio took a hard fall in the Raptors game and I do not blame him for not playing basketball for a while after that. I can’t imagine flying through the air, only to find myself landing squarely on my tailbone. That’s ouch. Also ouch, Felicio’s play of late. He’s great, but the rim-rolling dunk move has been figured out a bit by teams and, maybe equally important, his primary lob partner was Wade, so he’s gonna have to figure it out with someone else the rest of the way if he wants to have any shot of getting back to it before the season ends.